A company or a person can of various reasons end up online with a bad reputation. Online Reputation Management is making it possible to affect your brand or online reputation in a positive way, and therefore enhance your online presence and online reputation.
ATAK is working with Online Reputation Management in Denmark. People who are concerned about certain google search results often contact ATAK for a solution. The search results could for example be an old bankruptcy, one unhappy costumer out of a thousand happy ones or maybe an old ex-girlfriend who is mad, and therefore has written personal information about you online.
Some conflicts between costumer and the company will possibly evolve into bad reputation online. Once bad reputation is online, it will be difficult to control. Not only is it hard to control, it also has bad influence towards your brand and the financial situation of the company.
Even if the company has found a solution, and the involved parts are satisfied, your reputation online could still be bad, and therefore still affect you or your company.
That is why ATAK choose to work with Online Reputation Management in Denmark. Today ATAK is the leading company working with Online Reputation Management in Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia.
Since the internet has become increasingly available, the ability to find information about people, or companies, has become a common thing. Due to that, the presence online has also become more important.
When you are dealing with new business partners, or clients, you only have one chance to leave a good impression, but if the first impression is a lot of bad reputation online, you are in a difficult situation.
Bad reputation online can in worst case lead to lost profit, and therefore end in layoffs and even closings in a company.
It is important to point out that is has consequences when a company or a person has bad reputation online. A survey, made by the research institute YouGov in Denmark, shows that 78 % of the asked trust online reputation and reviews, whether it is good or bad. The survey also shows that 82 % of the asked searches for reviews and reputation before they decide to buy anything, or whether to do business with a company or not. The survey also shows that 70 % would not shop at a company with bad reputation online.
A lot of experience with Online Reputation Management in Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia has led to ATAKs current position as the leading Reputation Management Company. When ATAK works with bad reputation, they focus on making the positive reputation more visible than the bad reputation in the search engine index.
A job concerning Online Reputation Management in Denmark does not have a certain time limit. A job may vary from a couple of months and upwards of a couple of years. ATAK also operates like that in the rest of the world. However, during the cooperation the costumer will receive information on a regular basis of the progress.
The work regarding bad reputation is classified, and ATAK will not judge costumers since they believe people deserve a second chance. Though ATAK turns down inquiries if they believe that they cannot link their name with the particular costumer.
If you want to know more about ATAK, the leading Online Reputation Management company in Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia, and how you deal with bad reputation? Contact them by phone at +45 3510 5050 or browse around the rest of the website.
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